Sometimes I think I am capable of so much more, of being so much more. Sometimes I feel like a bundle of greatness trapped inside a warped person. Sometimes I feel the surge of potential pressing against the seams and I purpose to let it burst out and it hits the air and the air stings and burns and scalds and I can only retreat, so defenseless against this acid sky. And then I just sit, and feel just a warped self trapped inside a warped person.
And sometimes I just get caught up in metaphors, and find I’m sitting in the exact same place.
My heart is with you.You ARE that bundled greatness. I believe one price of that sensitive neuronal brilliance may be part of BiPolar dynamics. Please...try to know, rest, find joy in your creative "greatness." Work as hard as you can to distract from the lows by "here-and-nowness." Yes, seemingly impossible, but the effort--whatever the measure or form--may somehow reward you. Blessings, JESK